
Ngā kōrero

23 May 2022

Lianna sits at a table in her house, concentrating hard on an art project in front of her.

Lianna’s story

I am profoundly Deaf, and when I'm speaking face-to-face, I can use the combination of lip-reading and…


Ngā kōrero

18 April 2022

Advocacy & Captions: Nancy’s Story

"While living in northern Queensland with just my 8-year-old daughter, there was a cyclone approaching and normal…


Ngā kōrero

8 April 2022

A headshot of Pauline, a young woman with blonde hair

Pauline’s Story

"I hope that big powers keep learning from disabled people and prioritising us. I hope they see…


Ngā kōrero

24 January 2022

Shawn and her husband kneel by a llama

Shawn’s Story

"Being visually impaired can be very isolating and lonely.  You feel like you miss so much in…


Ngā kōrero

16 January 2022

Averil’s Story

Kia ora! Tell us a bit about yourself. (Eg. Where did you grow up? Where do you…


Ngā kōrero

10 January 2022

A headshot of Sam Smith, who has dark hair and a beard, and a slight smile as he looks down the barrel of the camera

Sam’s Story

"I remember, when I was a child I saved up money for weeks (I still can’t believe…


Ngā kōrero

21 December 2021

Gaby is sitting looking out a window. Behind her are gold colored fairy lights against a blue wall.

Gabriella’s Story

"Having access to captions right from the very first episode makes me feel like I’m on the…


Ngā kōrero

21 October 2021

Norelle sitting in her living room knitting

Norelle’s Story

"Captions have certainly helped me in the times that my brain’s been in a fog, and I…