Audio description
Audio description (AD) takes the visual world and makes it verbal. Designed to provide access to TV for the 180,000+ New Zealanders who are blind or who have low vision, AD is an alternate audio track that narrates what’s happening on screen.
The difference audio description makes to Aotearoa
Whether we watch TV for entertainment, information, or escape, it can connect us to the people and world around us. Audio description provides invaluable access to the stories and culture of Aotearoa for those who are blind, have low vision, or who use sound rather than sight to access TV for other reasons. So that everyone can share the laughter, and enjoy the show.
Our Process
How we create audio description

We have a skilled team of audio describers who work to enhance audiovisual media through audio description. Our team scripts, voices and records descriptions to reflect what's happening on screen for each unique piece of content. AD is typically placed during natural pauses in the audio, integrating with the score and dialogue of the media.
Audio description is currently available on TVNZ 1, TVNZ 2, DUKE and Three.