

4 July 2024

A young man with blonde hair smiles at the camera. He is sitting by a microphone.

Audio description levels the playing field and brings people together, research shows

Earlier this year, we set out to find out more about audio description in Aotearoa. How many…



12 February 2024

A graphic image of an old-school TV with a scene of Pulp Fiction on it.

Blind people watch TV too

Audio description comes as standard on shows streaming on Netflix and other international services. So, Able Chief…



28 November 2023

Dan Buckingham, Jai Waite and Rachale Davis are on a stage together. Dan has brown hair, a white button-up shirt and is using a wheelchair, turned away from the camera. Jai is wearing a blue button-up top, using a wheelchair, and is in the middle of speaking. Rachale has blonde shoulder-length hair and a yellow top, looking over at Jai.

Navigating authentic representation of disability

During the annual SPADA conference this year, our CEO Dan Buckingham facilitated a panel with Jai Waite…



3 November 2023

A woman with long dark brown hair sits at her desk and points at something on the screen. A woman sits next to her wearing headphones, also looking at the screen.

Decade of Able: A history, from 2013-2023

Ka mua, ka muri is a whakataukī (proverb) that means “walking backwards into the future”. As Able…



15 August 2023

Brad and Laura against a yellow backdrop.

“You’re painting the picture with your words!”: Tom Sainsbury on The Hits

In this kōrero with Brad and Laura on The Hits, comedian extraordinaire Tom Sainsbury chats about his…



7 August 2023

The Earcatch logo, a yellow 'E' on a dark blue background.

How to use Earcatch

About Earcatch: Earcatch is an app that has been developed in The Netherlands, which can host audio…



12 July 2023

Captions and subtitles: what’s the difference?

Ever wondered what exactly Closed Captions (often referred to simply as captions) and subtitles are? While they…



12 July 2023

5 Reasons why NZSL is amazing!

New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL), like many other sign languages around the world, is a language that…