Our Impact
We believe in an equal, inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand. Funded by Irirangi Te Motu | NZ On Air, we’re passionate about turning New Zealand content into the shared experience it was made to be. So that everyone, whatever their access need or preference, can share the laughter, and enjoy the show.

New Zealanders are Deaf or hard-of-hearing
New Zealanders are blind or have low-vision
Able's direct impact in New Zealand
Statistics provided by NZ On Air and Turn On the Subtitles
Words made accessible through captions every week
+Captions can double the chances of a child becoming good at reading
XNew Zealanders watch TV with captions
%New Zealanders watch TV with audio description
How can you make a difference?
Able’s audio description and captioning services are free and available to any and all who need them. If someone you love could use them, pass on the message to switch them on.
We believe in a more inclusive Aotearoa.
Able. Making media accessible.